C R E A T I V E  P R O C E S S //   M E T H O D       //      P O S T - P R O D U C T I O N      //      B E H I N D  T H E  S C E N E S      //      R A T E S   


For companies in the built environment industry, professional photography is essential. Your website and project images are often the only opportunities potential clients have to see your work. High-quality photography that captures both the beauty and functionality of your designs is key to creating impactful marketing materials to attract new clients.

While marketing can be costly, investing in professional photography ensures your budget delivers a strong return and drives the traffic your website deserves. In today’s visual world, professional photography is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Timeless, high-quality images will elevate your portfolio for years to come.

The Risk of Hiring a Generalist or an Intern with a “Nice” Camera:
Not all photographers are created equal. While it may be tempting to cut costs by relying on someone inexperienced, interior and architectural photography is a highly specialized niche requiring extensive experience and specific equipment. Generalists may save you money upfront but often lack the skills to handle challenges like complex lighting situations, distracting reflections, spatial balance, and highlighting design details. Additionally, large commercial shoots demand logistical expertise—coordinating with security teams, managing automated systems, accommodating end-user employees, and even facilitating large construction equipment relocation.
With hundreds of shoots under our belt, we navigate these complexities seamlessly to showcase your work at its best all while having a fun and memorable day capturing pictures.

– Q U A L I T Y   A T T R A C T S   Q U A L I T Y –
If your organization values high standards, your imagery should reflect that. Poor-quality photos can lead clients to question your work. A cohesive, professional portfolio builds credibility, strengthens your brand, and assures clients they’re making the right choice.

– L E S S   I S   M O R E –
Remember, three stunning images far outweigh 25 snapshots any day.  Not many people have time or patience to sit there and click through a million images of the same project. Therefore we will help you streamline your shot list in order to best tell the story of the space in the most efficient way possible. Also, if you need help with multiple projects, we offer website image consultation to ensure your portfolio is concise, consistent, and captivating.

Your work deserves to be shown in the best light.

Our meticulous approach ensures the quality that attracts the clients your projects deserve.

C R E A T I V E   P R O C E S S


// 01 //

  • Discuss project details, location, timeline and overall image needs
  • Discuss photo usage requirements and media distribution plan
  • Review rates
  • Send detailed proposal for client review

// 02 //

  • Determine directional orientation of the structure
  • Select views/angles and determine specific shot list based on sun positioning/time of day
  • Schedule shoot date
  • Scout site (virtually and/or in-person)
  • Mark planned shots on floorplan
  • Client approves, signs engagement contract, and pays 50% deposit

// 03 //

  • Arrive on site, assess weather & sun quality

  • If necessary, rearrange furniture, de-clutter, and style the space

  • Set up & shoot (each full production view takes approximately 30-45 minutes to capture)

  • Review images on iPad

  • Break down and clean up


// 04 //

  • Edit selected views in post-production
  • Send client private proofing gallery for review
  • Discuss images and determine if any additional edits are required
  • Make final edits

// 5 //

  • Client receives final invoice

  • Client pays remaining balance

  • Final images sent via Dropbox


Katie blends traditional field techniques with modern digital capture and post-processing to create photographs that not only document spaces but also tell compelling stories with artistic interpretation.

During the shoot, each view is meticulously crafted with expert attention to detail. They are thoughtfully styled and lit to complement your design, highlighting texture, volume, richness, and intent. Katie skillfully uses natural and artificial light to capture indoor and outdoor spaces artistically. Spaces are carefully staged and arranged to showcase furniture and fixtures at their best while maintaining balance within the frame, ensuring perspective planes and overlaps are avoided to eleminate any confusion for the audience.

Although reflections and glares are a natural part of life, sometimes they can sometimes hinder views that otherwise would be seen naturally in-person. Therefore, time is taken during the shoot to manage them by blocking and flagging them in order to minimize distractions, allowing the viewer to focus on the architectural and design elements that you’ve spent countless hours perfecting.

All architectural and interior shoots include a real-time digital workstation, enabling seamless collaboration between photographer and client. This interactive process ensures each image aligns perfectly with your vision. Together, we’ll highlight the project’s best features and tell its story, showcasing the space to its fullest potential.

The digital workstation in action


Twilight images are just that...images captured at twilight, meaning just after the sun sets when the sky has that beautiful cobalt blue color. These images are truly special in that they bring out the drama of any building. They are also a great tool to use in a presentation when you are trying to show how the structure's appearance can change from day to night. 

Additional details:
+ Captured immediately after dusk
+ Usually only one image can be captured per sunset/sunrise
+ Images can be ordered separately as an "A-La-Cart" item or as an add-on to any daily rate package at a reduced cost


P O S T - P R O D U C T I O N

Visit the Before & After page to view more examples of extensive editing. 


EDITING - All images will include basic color correction and perspective editing. For all composited images, detailed post-processing techniques will be used to blend multiple exposures and lighting highlights into one beautiful image.

For tripod-composited/full production images:

  • Detailed exposure blending by hand using anywhere from 3 to 20 separate frames (not automated "HDR")

  • Reflection reduction/elimination 

  • Detailed color correction with RGB color matching for material finishes & paint

  • Curves, clarity, straightening

  • Light blemish retouching (ex: wall scuff marks, lite floor debris, minor cords/wires removal, general “clean-up”)

  • Removal of all "code" items (ex: sprinkler heads, floor cores, outlets, exit signs, security cameras, etc.) and/or items that are not a part of the original design plan that can be deemed as distractions 

    • Please notify me if you don’t need or want this treatment done during the shoot or before editing has begun

  • If models are used, each model is individually edited in to realistically blend with the scene . (Two versions of each image will be delivered – one with people and one void of people, if possible.)

    For drone and handheld images: 

  • Single Exposure

  • Color correction, curves, clarity, straightening

  • Light blemish retouching, and removal of "code" items

Please make specific requests prior to or during the shoot so we can try and solve the problem on-site if possible. (If a request is made to remove an item that could have easily been moved during the shoot, extra editing fees may be incurred based on complexity.)

For more complicated edits, additional fees will apply due to the time commitment needed to complete them. Examples include (but aren't limited to): the removal of major elements (like signage, people, furniture, cars, etc.), rebuilding or replacing any structural elements, removing excessive power lines or other exterior distractions, changing colors or textures, cleaning up excessive wall or ceiling damage, etc.

DIGITAL PROCESSING - After initial editing, the photographs are then digitally processed and uploaded to a private client-proofing gallery. Clients are encouraged to give feedback or identify any retouching requests before final delivery.

FINAL IMAGE DELIVERY – Upon receiving the final payment and contracts are signed by all parties, clients will receive web-ready and full-resolution finished photographs as digital files sent via Dropbox where they can be downloaded. The final images will be in JPEG format. TIFF files are available upon request, but we will never send RAW files. Katie Bricker Photography will always retain full ownership and copyright privileges of all images, but clients will receive a standard limited usage license and adhere to the terms and conditions of the photo agreement.

* Additional retouches requested after the first round will be billed at an hourly rate. 

B E H I N D   T H E   S C E N E S

See what it takes to produce a fully lighted, dramatic twilight photograph and interior image. These images are captured through multiple exposures and blended together meticulously in post-production. Katie customizes each project to her client's needs and the end result is simply more than "just a picture of a building."

The Making of an Interior Image

The Making of Interior Image - III

The Making of an Interior Image II

The Making of a Twilight Image


Due to the many variables and complexities that come along with the planning of an architecturAL shoot, all projects are custom quoted.

Estimates are structured based on the following:

  • CREATIVE FEE: The Creative Fee includes the time and skill required to complete the project, including pre-production tasks such as Client meetings, advance site visits, site-specific preparation, and all the necessary photographic equipment. The Creative Fee is quoted on a per-day basis. Typically, I can capture around 12-15 composite images in a full 8-10 hour day but the shoot time and the number of images that can be produced depend on many factors.

    POST-PROCESSING FEES: After the shoot, the editing process is very extensive and therefore mandatory. It is common for the post-processing to consume even more time than the photoshoot itself. RAW images will never be delivered because honestly, they would do you no good. It would be like giving you just the eggs and flour instead of the finished cake. Post-processing is a per-image fee, regardless of the capture method (i.e. Tripod composite/full production, handheld detail, or drone) and it includes:

    • Blending and lighting adjustments by hand, detailed color correction, perspective correction, clarity and contrast adjustments.

    • Standard retouching — includes: removal of "code" items (i.e. sprinkler heads, exit signs, floor cores, etc.); clean up minor wall blemishes; removal of minor debris, reflections, loose wires, branches, etc.

    • Includes the storage, backup, culling, digital delivery, and archiving of the final images from your shoot. 

  • PHOTOGRAPHER’S ASSISTANT: My assistants are a valuable asset who help the day run smoother and faster and I often never work without one.

  • STANDARD LIMITED USE LICENSE: All final images will come with a standard boilerplate license to use the photos for the hiring client only. This standard, non-exclusive, license covers all of the usage needs for most marketing needs and includes:

    • Web portfolio, print portfolio, contest entry, organic social media, printed sales collateral, and internal use.


      • NO paid advertising placements of any kind (online or print) without permission and additional fees

      • NO editorial use without permission and additional fees

      • NO 3rd party use or sharing of any kind (this includes the end-user client—a separate license must be purchased for them if they want to use the images in any form).

    • Additional usage licenses can be purchased for exclusivity, 3rd parties, affiliates, or advertising use.


Please click the button below to fill out a short form to receive an estimate for your project.
