SEE….photoshoots CAN be fun!

SEE….photoshoots CAN be fun!



Your PHOTO shoot is almost here!! Start getting excited!


In order to ensure a smooth shoot-day, we need your help so we can be well prepared before we arrive on-site. Below is a list of needs and arrangements to be made prior to the photography of your architectural project. Each item is important and will make a significant difference in the end-result of the photographs. The cooperation on the part of the property owner/manager is paramount in the success of each image.

Please provide as much information as possible. There are a few required fields, but if you don’t know the answer or it is not applicable to your shoot, simply leave it blank. It’s not the SAT’s so don’t sweat it!

Thank you!

- Katie

We respect your privacy and will never distribute your information.
(...because it's annoying and we hate it when people do it to us!)

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